
Filtering includes a widget for selecting data to display: Inputs for specifying filters based on column types (or a single input for all columns), and a display of current applied filters.

The widget must communicate with the data model to indicate which rows to output, as well as indicating the current set of filters.


Reference Screenshots for Microsoft Excel 2010 Filter UI


Microsoft Excel 2010 uses a filter menu activated by a drop-down at the right of each data column header.


The built-in filter options are type-specific. Text filters:



Number filters:



Date filters:



Below these is a custom filter option that opens a custom filter dialog:



The custom filter allows at most two filters that are either combined with AND or OR. The available operators in the drop-down are



Notes on Grid Filtering/Searching from 2010-Mar meeting

- data-ui-filter="string|boolean|number|..."

- Would be good to have a  way to have an external set of controls which you can use to filter

- Have an extra row with  the filter controls

- Need main function to filter, will AND multiple filters  whether on single column or multiple columns by default (can be  overidden)

 - Per column template and filter function definition

- Filter Types:

    - text (exact- or  like-match), with optional Autocomplete support, based on column content

    - boolean  (true/false, checkbox or radio button)

    - numbers (exact  match, greater-then, less-then, range)

        - if min or max,  or both, are known, offer a slider

    - date (exact match, greater-then,  less-then, range)

    - select (checkboxes for distinct column values - none  checked, show everything, otherwise display all checked matches)

    - mulit-select,  populated with values from the column


[ Select =, <, >, <=>? ]