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Wiki Collaboration

This version was saved 15 years, 9 months ago View current version     Page history
Saved by Todd Parker
on November 24, 2008 at 11:47:23 am

This is a public wiki so we encourage everyone to share your ideas to make the UI library as strong as it can be. We want to gather the best ideas from the broadest range of people in the jQuery community -- from interaction and visual designers, accessibility and usability experts to hard-core Javascript developers. We need as many different minds in the mix to create a library that is usable, accessible, extensible, and beautiful.


Feel free to link to this wiki extensively from other public sites, blog posts, tweets and the Google jQuery UI development group.


To edit or comment on a page, you must be a member of this wiki. Simply request access and we'll give you access to create and edit pages.


To add a new plug-in page, click the create page link, give your page a name (spaces allowed, initial capitalization only) and make sure to choose the 'widgetTemplate' radiobutton at the bottom of the list so you're using our standard template.


Please read our wiki language styleguide for ideas on capitalization, naming conventions and writing style.

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