

type: utility

release: 1.8

status: released

documentation: http://api.jqueryui.com/position/ 

demo: http://jqueryui.com/position/




1 - Description:


Utility script for positioning any widget relative to the window, document, a particular element, or the pointer. This utility could be used on its own, but should also be used by all plugins that require positioning elements.  A few examples are:



Positioning system:


We can use a simple system to define how the positioned element (e.g., menu or tooltip) should be placed in relation to the target element (e.g., link or button).





To describe the relationship between the target and positioned element, we can specify a pair of these positions: 




By combining the target and positioned elements together, we arrive at 81 possible positioning combinations.


Collision detection





2 - Visual Design:






3 - Functional Specifications/Requirements: 


The element being positioned must support relative, absolute and fixed positioning.  If the element's position style is set to static, it will be set to relative when being positioned.



4 - Markup & Style:





5 - Latest version of plugin:




6 - Open issues being discussed