

type: widget

release: 0.0

status: in planning

documentation: N/A

demo: See demos folder in GitHub source download




1 - Description:


This widget provides a well-constrained way to let users build a list of items. Common applications include the Facebook-style list builder for message recipients (F6) which provides a textarea with an auto-complete function and the ability to re-order and delete recipients. The Apple Mail style builder (F7) adds an action menu next for each item that can be used to offering multiple actions. This should support re-ordering via drag and drop, plus keyboard shortcuts to select and delete items.


The autocompletion is optional, when enabled, it needs the Autocomplete as a dependency.

The default is to be disabled: .listbilder({ autocomplete: false })


A fully working widget is now available on github as a standalone repository.  The source download includes a demos folder showing 3 different use cases.


This widget is available via NuGet.  Instructions for installation:


Alternate reference jQuery plug-ins:


Mark Gibson's plugin, built on jQuery UI. Can be used with Jorn's autocomplete (or others):


Filament Group has a draft of the Facebook style interaction modeled here that uses progressive enhancement techniques on a textarea to ake it easy to get and set values:




2 - Visual Design:





3 - Functional Specifications/Requirements:








 Keyboard Navigation:



4 - Markup & Style:


     4.1 Initial markup examples


          Most common usage:

	<input type="text" value="one, two, four"/>


          Alternate 1 defines menu for each list builder item

	<input id="test2" type="text" value="six, three, zero" class="test" style="width:200px"/>
	<ul id="test2-menu">
		<li><a href="/#">Edit item</a></li>
		<li><a href="/#">Copy</a></li>
		<li><a href="/#">Remove</a></li>

     Alternate 2 uses a text area instead of a text input    
	<textarea>one, two</textarea>


     4.2 Recommended transformed HTML markup


          First, hide the orignal input.  Then immediately after add a div that will appear on top of the original input location.  The script should size the div to match the original size of the input.


<input type="text" id="test1" style="width: 350px; display: none;" class="autocomplete test" value="one, two, four">

<div class="ui-state-default ui-listbuilder" style="width: 350px; min-height: 16px;">

     <ul class="ui-listbuilder-items" style="width: 345px; min-height: 16px;">

          <li class="ui-corner-all ui-widget-content ui-listbuilder-item">


               <a class="ui-icon-circle-close ui-icon" style="float: right; position: absolute; right: 2px; top: 4px; width: 16px; height: 16px;"></a>


          <li class="ui-corner-all ui-widget-content ui-listbuilder-item">


               <a class="ui-icon-circle-close ui-icon" style="float: right; position: absolute; right: 2px; top: 4px; width: 16px; height: 16px;"></a>


          <li class="ui-corner-all ui-widget-content ui-listbuilder-item">


               <a class="ui-icon-circle-close ui-icon" style="float: right; position: absolute; right: 2px; top: 4px; width: 16px; height: 16px;"></a>


          <li class="ui-listbuilder-item-input">

               <input type="text" class="ui-autocomplete-input ui-listbuilder-input" style="width: 340px;" autocomplete="off" role="textbox" aria-autocomplete="list" aria-haspopup="true">

               <div class="ui-state-active" style="display: none;">Type to receive suggestions</div>







     4.3 Accessibility recommendation


    (Detailed recommendations for ARIA, HTML markup, CSS and javascript that will contribute to universal access and full section 508 accessibility for screen readers, mobile devices and any other devices) 


     4.4 CSS & Theme


     The newly created wrapping div will be given class ui-listbuilder.  Each item will be given class ui-listbuilder-item.  The input to which the user can enter a new list item be given class ui-listbuilder-input, and any additional classes the optional autocomplete plugin applies.


     Suggested new css styles and their values as follows:

.ui-listbuilder {


border:1px solid #7F9DB9;


.ui-listbuilder-items {



padding:3px 4px 0;


.ui-listbuilder-item {

border:1px solid #444444;





padding:1px 18px 1px 3px;



.ui-listbuilder-item-input {

border:0 none;


.ui-listbuilder-input {

border:0 none;





5 - Latest version of plugin:


(Link to the latest version in the jQuery UI trunk here - not in Git yet)



6 - Open issues being discussed


1) close icon needs title attribute

2) should close icon class be configurable for normal and hover state?
    icons:[normal:'ui-icon-circle-close', hover:'ui-close-icon']

3) options for localization of text
    lang:{closeText:'close', suggestText:'Type to receive suggestions'}

4) how should additional plugins be applied such as watermarks, mask input, or validators?
    a) should the input for entry of a new list item be exposed as a property so that other plugins can use that
    b) should others be applied first and then copied/moved to the new token input
    c) some plugins like validators may need to remain applied to original form input (like required input)
    d) some plugins like masked input or watermark may need to be applied to token editor input.

5) sorting some items to some locations can be difficult.  Maybe larger drop targets are needed?

6) Usability study shows user want to see a list without having to type, while advanced users still want to type in a new value occasionally.
    a) should the list options (autocomplete) automatically show on focus if minLength of autocomplete is zero?
    b) should there be a way to instead add a button to show some predefined values (when minLength is zero)  Is that a typical use case of extending the autocomplete (combobox example) or something common enough to build into the list builder?

7) LI's should get a tab index of -1 for easy leverage by screen readers

8) bug: If you get the autocomplete to show and then arrow down a few then back up, the selection of previously entered items starts highlighting and moving. Then if you hit delete (to remove text in the input field if you typed some, it starts deleting previous items). Probably need to only have the up/down "navigate" when there is not text in the input, or something.


9) how do we activate an attached menu using keyboard only.  The current demo only shows the attached menu on click. There is currently no event for item selected via keyboard navigation.  maybe adding that would solve the problem.